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Why Moms Are the Best Entrepreneurs and Now is the Time to Jump

In the days before mommy-hood, I used to think that the best time in my life to start a company would be before I had kids, but boy was I ever wrong. Turns out that Mommies make wonderful entrepreneurs. In fact, research shows that women-led companies are proven to be more resilient to financial and market crises than their male counterparts.

As a mother and entrepreneur myself, I’m here to tell you this: Being a mother actually makes you more qualified to become a successful entrepreneur. I was recently discussing this with my husband and came up with a few reasons I think this is the case:

  • The ability to deal with ANYTHING: In my previous life working in-house at a Beverly Hills PR firm I frequently heard our clients describe entrepreneurial life as a roller-coaster. One day you are on the ultimate high and the next your are spiraling out of control. The successful ones just find a way to enjoy the ride. As a parent the days your child learns to crawl, walk or says Mom for the first time is an unmatched high, but there are also the days when there is pee, poop or puke in places you did not know possible. From temper tantrums to sickness you never know what your day will be from day to day. Those Mommies who learn to just enjoy the ride end up as the most successful parents. If you ever considered starting your own venture and were afraid that motherhood might hold you back–just think if I can raise a child then I can raise a brand.

  • Problem Solving: Life with kids often involves negotiation, whether we like it or not. According to Scott Brown, author of How to Negotiate With Kids Even When You Think You Shouldn't, "The negotiation between parents and kids can actually be a great learning experience." You think it’s hard selling your solution to a potential customer or negotiating a deal? Try selling vegetables to a stubborn five-year-old! Believe me, if you have kids, you must already be a great negotiator. Closing deals is a piece of cake for you.

  • Making a Dollar Out of a Dime: We as Moms are the ones that need to carefully weigh each financial decision, and we get to see firsthand how those decisions will affect our family. This simply changes how we go about things. As an entrepreneur with minimum financial resources, the ability to come up with creative strategies, access other people’s knowledge, connections, and resources is crucial. As a mom, you are used to asking your friends, family, and even strangers for their help and advice, and they usually come through.

  • Putting aside your wants for a bigger goal: Why is it that a mother has the most important job on earth, yet among today's standards, her job is the least appreciated? The best entrepreneurs are smart, resourceful, and hard working. However, knowing how awesome we are, we sometimes develop big egos and can become arrogant, with the thoughts that only I know what is best. The very definition of a mother is selfless service to another As the person managing your family, you know that being smart is not always about being right. There are times to win an argument or a client you have to take low. Being able to put your ego aside while managing your business can be crucial when you want to get people on your side.

Whether the idea to start your business struck you this morning or ten years ago, you’ve got an itch that needs to be scratched. It’s time to jump in and get started. Not just for yourself, but for your entire family. You can do it Mommy!

Public Relations Consultant

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